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Our Association

The Walker County Beekeepers Association was began around the late 1980's in Jasper, Alabama. Many of the early members , unfortunately have passed away. The Association formally adopted its constitution in 1996. We do know that historically it has been a club with older members passing their knowledge of beekeeping and honey production to the younger members.

One of the early Presidents was a gentleman named, Louis Harbin, who resided in Nauvoo, Alabama. He was a commercial beekeeper at that time. Following Mr. Harbin as President was Lonnie Funderburg. He watched the Club grow and oversaw education from 1996 - 2018. Currently, Ricky Grace is President, filling these large shoes in 2019. We also were enriched by not only the knowledge but by the service of Barry Banks, who served as Secretary/Treasurer from 1999-2014. Since he is now out of the beekeeping industry, we miss his big smile and outgoing personality at the monthly meetings. The current Secretary/Treasurer is Wynelle Milstead, who also volunteers with the state Alabama Beekeeping Association.

Our meetings are held the fourth Monday evening of each month (no meetings the month of December) at 6:30 pm in the Alabama Cooperative Extension office located at 1501 North Airport Road in Jasper, Alabama. Other opportunities to learn and fellowship are throughout the year and announced at the monthly meeting as well as our Facebook page.

The current Walker County Beekeeping Association varies from the beginner to those with years of experience. Monthly meetings offer a speaker or educational program with open forum opportunities to ask questions about any topic. They say if you ask ten beekeepers a question, you will get ten different answers. The Association also provides an annual Introduction to Beekeeping class which is recommended for those thinking about getting bees or the novice hobby beekeeper. Practical best practices and latest trends in beekeeping are some if the relevant, timely topics of the monthly meetings. The Walker County Beekeeper Association invites anyone with an interest in honeybees to drop by and attend a meeting. We love having guests!

Jennifer Perry

Yearly Events

  • May Meeting Rescheduled

    In Honor of Memorial Day the regular scheduled meeting may be rescheduled for a more convient day.

  • Beekeepers Class

    If you are interested in beekeeping get ready for this event. It happens every year around October. We have many many years of beekeeping knowledge that is shared with all who attended. It is a weekly event and if weather permits we go to a hive and open it up.

  • Thanksgiving Dinner

    This is the last event in the year but you don't want to miss it. Everyone brings a dish to the Thanksgiving potluck dinner, on the 4th Monday of Novemeber at 6:30 pm. This event is held at our normal meeting place 1501 North Airport Rd. Jasper, AL. Good fellowship is always had at this event.